Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gratitude in a box

    My youngest son and I just went and picked up all of the moisturizers and cleansing cloths from our Mary Kay Branch. Time to fill out the custom form, pray some love over the box, and send it on its way. I cannot express enough how grateful I am to all the troops overseas and all of the families here at home. This first box is just an assortment of what I thought would be useful to the troops overseas. The Soldier who is receiving it will share the products and then get back to as to what was really usefull. That way we can cut the packages down to the most useful items and be able to stretch the money to reach more troops.
    This first package is possible because of some friends who donated to this cause, so I would like to say a special "Thank You" to them. It is a cause that I feel strongly about, but it would not be possible without you.
    If you know of anyone deployed and would like to "adopt" their Unit just let me know. Right now I am looking for friends, teachers, churches, anyone who would be willing to participate.


  1. Fantastic!

    Last year Wm. adopted a soldier - his teacher's son. I'll ask him if he'd like to do it again!
